[Easy link] Customize to a discreet design: If Affiliate


What is a simple link?

Affiliate Easy Links makes it easy to create links to multiple shopping sites like Rinker and Kaeleva.

What is a simple link?

It is a function that allows you to easily create a simple card-type affiliate link (responsive). Please enter the product page URL of Rakuten Ichiba or Amazon.co.jp or the search keyword in the URL field.


It's very convenient because you can enter the URL of one product page, but it's a little overwhelming by default, or I'm not good at big design.

It's long vertically like this

This time, I customized it to a simple and unobtrusive design.

Where I changed

  • Product name: Reduce the font size.Bold.
  • Button size: Miniaturization.Margins are also reduced.
  • Below the button: Removed wide margins.
  • Button: From orange to cream.Added a three-dimensional effect.
  • When mouse over: Added motion to press the button.
  • Image size: Reduced.


Appearance customization → Add the following code to the CSS.

/ * If Affiliate Easy Link Customization * / / * --- Product Title --- * / p.easyLink-info-name a {font-size: 16px! Important; font-weight: bold;} / * --- Button size --- * / div.easyLink-box div.easyLink-info p.easyLink-info-btn a {padding: 1px! Important;} @media screen and (min-width: 704px) {div.easyLink-box div.easyLink-info p.easyLink-info-btn a {margin-bottom: 10px! Important;}} / * --- Remove the blank under the button --- * / div.easyLink-box {padding: 10px;} div.easyLink-box div.easyLink-info p.easyLink-info-btn a: last-child {margin-bottom: 0! important;} / * --- Button color --- * / a.easyLink-info- btn-amazon, a.easyLink-info-btn-rakuten, a.easyLink-info-btn-yahoo {color: # 333333 !important; background: # FFFDE7! important; border: 1.2px solid # 808080! important; box- shadow: inset 0 2px 0 rgba (255,255,255,0.2), 0 2px 2px rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.19);} / * --- Mouse over effect --- * / a: hover.easyLink-info- btn-amazon, a: hover.easyLink-info-btn-rakuten, a: hover.easyLink-info-btn-yahoo {transform: translateY (0.1em)} / * --- Image size --- * / div. easyLink-box di v.easyLink-img, div.easyLink-box div.easyLink-img p.easyLink-img-box, div.easyLink-box div.easyLink-img p.easyLink-img-box img.easyLink-img-pht {max -width: 125px! important; max-height: 125px! important;}

The blog that I used as a reference
Customize your affiliate's easy links!Button color, text change, etc.