Error when reinstalling Pycharm


Uninstall Pycharm → When I reinstall it, the following error message appears and I cannot start it.

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:'C: \ Program Files \ JetBrains \ PyCharm 2020.1.2 \ plugins \ python \ helpers \ pydev \ pydevconsole.html'

Internal error. Please refer to java.lang.verifyerror: expecting a stack map frame exception details: location: com / intellij / openapi / util / text / stringutil.pluralize (ljava / lang / string; i) ljava / lang / string; @ 28: athrow reason: expected stackmap frame at this location.

The cause is that the third-party Pycharm Japanese localization plug-in "pleiades-win" was not deleted by uninstalling the main unit and remained in the folder.


  • When uninstalling Pycharm, also check "Delete cache and plugins". (If it's an official plugin, this is all you need)
  • If it is a third-party plugin, it will not be deleted in the above, so delete the corresponding folder manually.

By the way, pleiades-win was in the following folder.The save destination folder may differ depending on the settings, so if you forget it, try searching by plugin name or JetBrains.
